Programming Fundamentals
Programming skill represents a generic problem solving ability, and is considered essential for anyone involved in the development and maintenance of software systems.In this course the student will gain a broad understanding of modern computer programming. The student will acquire introductory skills in problem analysis, solution design, and program construction . Through practical programming activities, the student will gain an appreciation of the nature and history of computer programming.
Course Outline:
Course Discount Link:
Course Outline:
- Introduction of computer
- Introduction of programming
languages and C++
- Processing of program
- Problem solving and Algorithms
coding and programming
- Basic C++ programming
- Variables and datatypes
- Operators and statements
- Control structures
- If else decision making
- Switch statement
- Assignment No 1
- Different types of loops
- Flow charts
- Drawing flowcharts
- Functions
- Functions with other components
- Arrays
- One dimensional and multi
dimensional arrays
- Arrays with loops
- Assignment No 2
- How they can be stored and used
- String functions
and References
- Basic concepts
- Usage of pointers and references
in program
- Variables
- Arrays
Data Structures
- defining and using structs
- Structs with functions
File Handling
- File output information
- File input information
- File access modes
- Quiz
Course Discount Link:
- The course will be available very soon.
Recommended Book:
- How to program C++ Diteel (Latest edition)
Extremely amazing course equipped with all the necessary topics.